Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Cabin Fever

I am going a little stir crazy. It's one thing when you just want to stay home and hiberate because you are tired and want some quiet time. It's another when you are forced to stay home. Eww wee! I can't wait to venture out into civilation. Grateful for modern technology and being about to see what the REST of the world is up to.

I am not complaining...just bored. I am grateful that the water is in the road and not in my house like many of my neighbors. Please keep Carencro in your prayers. Many homes and business sustained damage from the flood Monday and are cleaning up and trying to put their lives back in order.

So, when you can't leave your neighborhood, you baste and quilt.


  1. Dang that's alot of water. Considering it went down some. However, glad you got some quilting done. Sorry but it still looks lavendar too me! Hope your hamburger was good.

  2. I saw on the Lake Charles news about the flooding there. Glad the water didn't get in your house.

  3. We are thankful as well, Judy. Many, many people did not fair as well. The last few days have been trying as well, waiting to see if our streets would flood and bayous back up again.


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