I made the binding today and had so much trouble with it. I wanted a wider binding so I cut out my double binding at 2-1/2 inches which made it 1-1/4 inches wide after folding. Then I sewed it at 3/8 inch seam instead of a 1/4 inch seam. I thought the bigger seam would allow more binding to show up on the front of the quilt and it would have worked but for some reason I didn't have enough to turn around to the back. It was not wide enough. I don't know why because all the measurements work out, but it just didn't fit. So I trimmed my seam allowance down all except the corners which could not be trimmed because it would leave a hole in the corner. Even then I only barely had enough to turn over to the back.
On top of all that trouble when I cut the bias strips and sewed them together the 45 degree seam was turned under on the wrong side on every other join. I had to rip it out and redo.
Then when I was making my join at the very end after the binding was sewed on I cut it too short and had to stretch and fiddle with it to get it to work. Boy! I have never had this much trouble with binding before. But I don't usually make bias binding. I needed it on this because I wanted the plaid to be on the bias. I choose this plaid because I thought the colors in it reflected the colors in the middle squares. Over all I like how it came out but I ended up with narrower binding than if I would have made it like normal with a 1/4 inch seam to begin with.
Oh well, it is done and I like the look of it. The person that gets it as a gift will never know the troubles I had. They will hopefully just love it the way it is.
Have a great day!
The trouble with the bias was worth it. I love the look and it gives it more character!